The consist of los angeles tummy tucks

On the other hand, resection can be done directly in the block before the detachment of the supra-umbilical flap or, according to guy, performed after detachment. In this case, proceed to dial the excess tissue before resection, allowing us- in the case of supra-umbilical skin sagging not be sufficient to effect a closure without tension

Opt for a T scar or a small scar infrastructure umbilical, after the closing hole to release previously left to the umbilicus. The conventional technique of involves a skin incision or horn octal Aida of Norma, muscle placation and transposition of umbilicus.

Recent techniques combine liposuction, use of facial suspension with increased tension on the sides and advancement of the external oblique muscle. Regardless of the los angeles tummy tucks technique used, the goals to be achieved by positioning the cicatrix in line Ni IQ reduction or eliminate stretch marks go flatten and stretch the abdominal skin decrease the size of waist line decrease the thickness of subcutaneous fat in the abdomen.

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Flanks, and Iliad region rejuvenate the pubis to a more oval shape rather than the triangular shape characteristic of senility raise the thigh near the inguinal crease and ilia areas of loose skin region create a sword tail well-defined umbilical depression create the illusion of athletic abdomen changing the body posture possible fix hernias if they are related to the excessive relaxation of muscles abdominal. Formerly the were los angeles tummy tucks restricted to cases of bulky abdomen, associated with hernias, large fatty deposits and excess skin.

More recently, a new group of patients was added- those with moderate anatomical and functional changes, however, with great desire for aesthetic improvement. With this, new surgical refinements have been developed with the aim of improving the quality of results. Within the new concept of aesthetic evaluation of body contouring, patients began to demand better positioned the scars and less apparent as possible.

Became imperative to provide procedures whose scars remain hidden on swimsuits together with an end result of the abdominal wall aesthetically better than the precondition. Several types of incisions have been described, confirming the need to find the ideal incision that pleases both the patient and the cirurgiao. The resulting scar depends on the quality of healing of that particular patient.

Each person los angeles tummy tucks has a special particularity with regard to wound healing. There are individuals who, after surgery of this type are almost imperceptible with a scar. Others, however, form hypertrophic or keloid scars that alter the satisfactory outcome of the procedure.

Healing is a phenomenon that depends on intrinsic and extrinsic elements. Extrinsic factors depend on the careful handling of tissues. Intrinsic factors depends critically on genetic and personal characteristics of the individual.

There are situations where, despite all precautions, the result of scars is not of good quality, since the characteristics of the individual does not allow an aesthetically satisfactory los angeles tummy tucks healing. Necessary surgical procedures are often touches. These touches may constitute attempts • enhances the scar profile improvement correcting side so was dog ears In general, the normal evolution of cicatrix boasts up to los angeles tummy tucks days Erica a good-looking, mild reaction to the points may occur.

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