Necessary information los angeles tummy tucks

Although anorexics begin by excluding from their diet all foods with high calories, most recently with a very restricted diet limited to a few foods. There are other ways to lose weight, as the use of purging, induced vomiting or excessive exercise.

In anorexia nervous two sub types are distinguished the restrictive type the compulsive purging. The first describes medical conditions in which weight loss is achieved through diet or intense exercise.

While the second is used to identify the individual who regularly engaged in binge eating or purging. In the restricting type anorexia nervosa patients do not resort to binge eating or purging.

Whereas compulsive binge purge some have no recourse but to purge even after eating small amounts of food. ORIGIN Its cause is unknown, but there are a number of factors causing anorexia which are a combination of biological factors genetic.

And biological predisposition, psychological family influences and psychic conflicts and social social influences and expectations Weight loss leads to malnutrition, which in turn contributes to the physical and emotional changes in the los angeles tummy tucks.

Patient and perpetuates the vicious cycle that is synthesized in the psychosocial model of anorexia nervosa. Biological vulnerability of adolescence and family and social problems can be combined with a social climate determined to cause typical anorexic eating behavior.

Western society is heavily influenced by the notion that obesity is unhealthy and unattractive, while thinness is seen as desirable. Most pubertal children aware of this social attitude.

And it is estimated that about of prepubertal girls follow a diet or take measures to control los angeles tummy tucks their weight. About of patients are women. In areas where there is shortage of food is virtually unknown.

SYMPTOMS The diagnosis of anorexia is based not only on the absence of a definite organic origin, but in the presence of certain features. In this regard it should be remembered.

The criteria considered by the American Psychiatric Association for diagnosing mental anorexia Refusal to maintain body weight above los angeles tummy tucks a minimally normal for age and height.

Intense fear of weight gain or being overweight even underweight. Distortion of the appreciation of weight, size or shape of the body. In females, absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles on schedule primary or secondary amenorrhea.

Overlooking the diagnosis is very important to conduct a psychiatric interview and take into account that most of anorexic adolescents accompanied always goes to the query.

Usually it is the family that provides all the necessary information while the patient is defend and deny anorexic behavior. Usually, the family describes some of the following symptoms amenorrhea, constipation, worry about the calories in food, abdominal pain.

Concern about the cold, vomiting, worry about preparing meals proper and othersprogressive restriction of food and obsession with the scale, concern for the image discrepancy between image and idea, plenty of los angeles tummy tucks traps and lies, hyperactivity and obsessive preoccupation studies without enjoy it los angeles tummy tucks

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